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About Us

The Association of Women Accountants of Kenya (AWAK) is a non-political and non-profit making professional women accountants’ organization. AWAK is governed by a board of 11 elected members. We enjoy support from  of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and the Kenya Accountants & Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB).

Our Vision

Globally impactful women accountants

Our Mission

Powering the success of women in accounting by providing the most relevant knowledge, resources, and networks to meet the demands of a changing world.

Core Values

Professionalism | Accountability | Innovation

Governance Committees & Terms of Reference Overview

 1. Objective of the Committee

Assist the Board in the formulation and implementation of the mentorship and Corporate Social responsibility strategies and initiatives.

2. Composition

  1. The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a Chairperson of the Committee from among the Board Members.
  2. The committee members shall appoint a vice chairman when it convenes the first meeting.
  3. Other Committee members shall be drawn from AWAK general members not in the Board.
  4. Each committee member will be both independent and financially literate.

3. Qualifications

Awak members are eligible to be members of the committee.

 4. Meetings and Procedure

  1. Reasonable notice of meetings and an agenda of the business to be conducted shall be circulated to the members of the committee by the secretary
  2. The secretary of the Committee shall be a member of the secretariat.
  3. Meetings shall be held not less than five times a year.
  4. Any member of the committee may request a meeting at any time if they consider it necessary.
  5. One third of members present shall constitute a quorum.
  6. Committee members shall be entitled to attend meetings of the committee.
  7. Minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Committee shall be kept properly and preserved.

5. Responsibilities

a. The role of the Mentoring Committee is to encourage Mentoring as an initiative for all members of AWAK. It aims to provide a platform where experiences can be shared on a one-to-one informal basis thus providing support to people at various stages in their careers.

The Committee, through the support of the Board, administers the Mentorship Scheme.

This involves:

  1. Developing and updating mentoring processes and procedures.
  2. Inviting applications from Mentors & Mentees and encouraging members to participate on the scheme.
  3. Processing Mentor & Mentee applications and undertaking the matching of Mentor/Mentees.
  4. Maintaining confidentiality of the process.
  5. Ensuring that training is provided for Mentors & Mentees.
  6. Organizing Mentor & Mentee group meetings at least twice per year.
  7. Organizing an annual review of the scheme and updating the scheme where required.
  8. Ensuring that processes are in place and implemented to deal with concerns from Mentors & Mentees.
  9. Promoting the Mentoring Scheme Country wide.

b. Corporate social responsibilities of the Association shall be formulated and implemented by this committee including management of the Education Scheme for secondary education.

6. Performance Review

The Committee shall, at least once a year, review its own performance, constitution and terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it may consider necessary to the Board for approval

7. Reporting Procedures

      1. The Committee shall maintain direct lines of communication with the Board, and the Secretariat exclusively on the task of mentorship and Corporate Social responsibilities.
      2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members,
      3. The achievements of the Committee shall be presented at the Board meeting when appropriate and prior to the Annual General Meeting.
      4. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results and findings.

 8. Term of Service

Committee membership is voluntary for a renewable term of two (2) years.

9. Decision making by the Committee

Unless otherwise provided by the law, decisions of the Committee on any matter shall be by consensus. Where unanimous decision cannot be reached, a decision shall be by a majority of votes of the members present. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman or the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by secret ballot or by a show of hands as the Committee may think fit.

Every member of the Committee shall take necessary measures to ensure independence, objectivity and impartiality in judgment, actions and soundness on all decisions. Every Committee member shall make reasonable effort to understand the operations of AWAK, attend all Committee meetings and AWAK functions as and when called upon.

10. Cessation of Membership to the Committee

A committee member can cease to be a member by natural attrition or can be removed if they fail to attend 4 consecutive meetings.

11. Review of TOR

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.

The Committee may deal with any other matter referred to it by the Board.


The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute a Public Finance Management Committee with the following Terms of Reference.

1.AWAK vision and mission

The Association of Women Accountants of Kenya (AWAK) is a non-political and non-profit making professional women accountants’ organization, which draws its membership from women accountants. Registered in 1994 under the Societies Act, the association continues to pursue the main objective of member empowerment, at the same time contributing to varying needs in society. With its motto “Uplifting our World,” AWAK champions for women empowerment in the society.

2.Specific Objective:

To assist the board of directors in fulfilling the strategy to increase AWAK and members participation, knowledge and initiatives in the Public Finance and Management eco-system.


a.The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a chairman from among the Board Members.

b.The Committee members shall appoint a Vice Chairman who will support the Chairman and is the designate Chair in the absence of the Chairman.

c.The Secretariat will act as secretary and will take responsibility for recording the deliberations & implementing decisions reached at each meeting.

d.Membership will be drawn from AWAK members other than the Board


  1. All fully paid up members of AWAK in good standing are eligible
  2. Members must express willingness to serve on the committee, attend meetings and volunteer their time and services
  3. If the member composition exceeds 20 members the Chair of the PFM will develop a qualification criterion in consultation with the Board and Nominations Committee

5.Meetings and Procedure

  1. The Secretariat will act as secretary and will take responsibility for recording the deliberations & implementing decisions reached at each meeting.
  2. Meetings shall be held at least once before every Board Meeting­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. AWAK secretariat may attend the committee meetings however only members of the Committee shall have a right to vote.
  5. Notice of meetings together with the agenda be sent at least two weeks to the date of the meeting
  6. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the members within one week after the meeting


The functions of the Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  1. To develop forums for Public Finance Management training
  2. To host at least 1 PFM event in a year
  3. To involve as many AWAK members in conducting training for PFM
  4. With the support of the Board, develop partnerships with county governments to conduct training on a demand/ need’s basis.
  5. Share opportunities to provide services to the public sector to our members

7.Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self review of its objectives and responsibilities.
  2. The committee shall also be subject to a review by the AWAK Board on an annual basis

8.Reporting Procedures

  1. After each Committee meeting the Chairman shall report the Committee’s deliberations to the AWAK Board.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members,
  3. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the AWAK Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results.

9.Cessation of Membership

Membership to the Committee shall cease to exist by;

  1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
  2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
  3. Member is not in good standing
  1. Terms of Reference

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.


The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute a Finance, Strategy and Administration Committee herein after referred to as the FS&A with the following Terms of Reference:

1. AWAK vision and mission

The Association of Women Accountants of Kenya (AWAK) is a non-political and non-profit making professional women accountants’ organization, which draws its membership from women accountants. Registered in 1994 under the Societies Act, the association continues to pursue the main objective of member empowerment, at the same time contributing to varying needs in society. With its motto “Uplifting our World,” AWAK champions for women empowerment in the society.

2. Specific Objective of the Committee:

The purpose of the AWAK’s Finance, Strategy and Administration Committee is to ensure financial sustainability and governance excellence. The specific responsibilities of the Committee shall include the activities listed under item (6) below.

3. Composition

    1.  The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a treasurer from among the Board Members, who shall be the Chairman / Convener of the committee.
    2. The Committee members shall appoint a Vice Chairman / Co-convener from its members.
    3. Membership will be drawn from AWAK members other than the Board
    4. A call for nomination shall be sent out annually for AWAK members willing to join the committee. Previous committee members interested in continuing to serve shall be nominated based on attendance records.
    5. At least 12 (twelve) members shall be nominated into the committee annually.
    6. The Committee Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.

4. Qualifications

  1. All fully paid up members of AWAK in good standing are eligible
  2. Members must express willingness to serve on the committee, attend meetings and volunteer their time and services
  3. If the member composition exceeds 18 members the Chair of the FS&A will develop a qualification criterion in consultation with the Board and Nominations Committee to reduce the number to a more reasonable one

5. Meetings and Procedure

  1. The Secretariat will act as secretary and will take responsibility for recording the deliberations & implementing decisions reached at each meeting.
  2. Meetings shall be held at least once before every AWAK Board Meeting­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. AWAK secretariat may attend the committee meetings however only members of the Committee shall have a right to vote.
  5. Notice of meetings together with the agenda be sent at least two weeks to the date of the meeting
  6. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to committee members within one week after the meeting

6. Responsibilities

The functions of the Committee shall include (but not be limited) to the following:

  1. Oversee the implementation of the Strategic Plan and providing progress reports to the board to ensure the participation of members of the Board in Strategic Plan .
  2. Review and recommend to the Board for approval, the annual budgets and Annual work plan.
  3. Overseeing long term financial plans and investments and recommending sustainable funding model to the Board of Directors, aligned with the prioritized strategies set by the Board.
  4. Overseeing financial reporting and Review the Management accounts.
  5. Review qualifications and terms of engagement of External Auditor and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors for appointment.
  6. Review and recommend to the Board staff reports on policies, projects and programmes and make recommendations to the Board.
  7. Advise the Board on strategies to be adopted in order to enhance AWAK’s performance towards achieving its mandate;
  8. Oversee HR planning to ensure that AWAK has the right number of staff and skills capable of delivering on its mandate.
  9. Consider and recommend staff establishment, remuneration including bonuses and other incentives, to the Board for approval.
  10. Review and recommend an Asset Management Plan to the Board of Directors.
  11. Review and monitor financial controls and safeguards and provide any recommendations to the Board for corrective/remedial action when required.
  12. Monitor current legal files with pertinent attention to litigation for and against AWAK with periodic reports to the Board on matters of concern.
  13. Review finance and administration priorities of the organization.

7. Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self review of its objectives and responsibilities.
  2. The committee shall also be subject to a review by the AWAK Board on an annual basis

8.Reporting Procedures

  1. The Chairman shall report the Committee’s deliberations to the AWAK Board.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members after each meeting.
  3. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the AWAK Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results.

9.Cessation of Membership

One’s membership to the committee shall cease by:

  1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
  2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
  3. Member is not in good standing

 Review of TOR

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.



The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute an Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee herein after referred to as the AR&C with the following Terms of Reference:

1.AWAK vision and mission

The Association of Women Accountants of Kenya (AWAK) is a non-political and non-profit making professional women accountants’ organization, which draws its membership from women accountants. Registered in 1994 under the Societies Act, the association continues to pursue the main objective of member empowerment, at the same time contributing to varying needs in society. With its motto “Uplifting our World,” AWAK champions for women empowerment in the society.

2.Specific Objective of the Committee:

The purpose of the AWAK’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee is to assist the board to discharge its responsibility to exercise due care, diligence and skill in handling the affairs of AWAK. The specific responsibilities of the Committee shall include (and not limited to) the activities listed under item (6) below.


  1. The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a chair from among the Board Members, who shall be the Chairman / Convener of the committee.
  2. The Committee members shall appoint a Vice Chairman / Co-convener from its members.
  3. Membership will be drawn from AWAK members other than the Board
  4. A call for nomination shall be sent out annually for AWAK members willing to join the committee. Previous committee members interested in continuing to serve shall be nominated based on attendance records.
  5. At least 12 (twelve) members shall be nominated into the committee annually.
  6. The Committee Chairman shall have a casting vote in case of a tie.


  1. All fully paid up members of AWAK in good standing are eligible
  2. Members must express willingness to serve on the committee, attend meetings and volunteer their time and services
  3. If the member composition exceeds 18 members the Chair of the Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee will develop a qualification criterion in consultation with the Board and Nominations Committee to reduce the number to a more reasonable one

5.Meetings and Procedure

  1. The Secretariat will act as secretary and will take responsibility for recording the deliberations & implementing decisions reached at each meeting.
  2. Meetings shall be held at least four times in an year or when called to do so by AWAK Board but before the Board Meeting­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. AWAK secretariat may attend the committee meetings however only members of the Committee shall have a right to vote.
  5. Notice of meetings together with the agenda be sent at least two weeks to the date of the meeting
  6. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to committee members within one week after the meeting


The functions of the Committee shall include (but not be limited) to aassisting the board to discharge its responsibility of ensuring corporate governance is observed while conducting the affairs of the Association in relation to the following areas:

6.1Financial Reporting

6.1.1  The Committee shall:

  • ensure that the interests of members are properly protected in relation to financial reporting and internal control;
  • monitor the integrity of the financial statements of the AWAK, including its annual and interim reports, preliminary results announcements and any other formal announcement relating to its financial performance, reviewing significant financial reporting issues and judgments which they contain; and
  • review summary financial statements, significant financial returns to regulators;

6.1.2  The Committee shall review and challenge where necessary:

  • the consistency of, and any changes to, accounting policies both on an annual basis;
  • the methods used to account for significant or unusual transactions where different approaches are possible;
  • whether the Association has followed appropriate accounting standards and made appropriate estimates and judgments, taking into account the views of the external auditor;
  • significant adjustments resulting from the audit;
  • the going concern assessment;
  • the clarity and completeness of disclosure in the Associations financial reports and the context in which statements are made;
  • all material information presented with the financial statements, such as the operating and financial review and the corporate governance statement (in so far as it relates to the audit and risk management); and
  • (viii) Where the Committee is not satisfied with any aspect of the proposed financial reporting by the Company, it shall report its views to the Board.

6.1.3 Where requested by the Board, the Committee should review the content of the annual report and accounts and advise the Board on whether, taken as a whole, it is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for members to assess the Association’s performance, business model and strategy.

6.2 Internal Controls and Risk Management Systems

The Committee shall:

6.2.1 Keep under review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Associations internal control and internal financial controls and risk management systems;

6.2.2 Review the statements to be included in the Annual Report concerning internal controls and risk management, prior to endorsement by the Board;

6.2.3 Evaluate whether management is setting an appropriate internal control environment by ensuring that employees are aware of the importance of internal control and risk management; and

6.2.4 Consider how management is controlling the security of IT systems and processes and whether appropriate contingency plans are in place in the event of an IT failure.

6.3 Compliance, whistle blowing and fraud

The Committee shall:

6.3.1 Review the adequacy and security of the Associations arrangements for its employees and members to raise concerns, in confidence, about possible wrongdoing in financial reporting or other matters. The Committee shall ensure that these arrangements allow proportionate and independent investigation of such matters and appropriate follow up action;

6.3.2 Review the company’s procedures for detecting fraud;

6.3.3 Review the management level of compliance to statutory deadlines, keep under review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Associations compliance function.

6.4 External Audit

The Committee shall:

6.5.1 Consider and make recommendations to the Board, to be put to members for approval at the AGM, in relation to the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the Associations external auditor and should ensure that key partners within the appointed firm are rotated from time to time. The appointment of the external auditors shall be considered regularly by the Committee and in any event

not less than three yearly intervals. The Committee shall oversee the selection process for new auditors and if an auditor resigns the Committee shall investigate the issues leading to this and decide whether any action is required;

6.5.2 Ensure that at least once every three years the audit services contract is put out to tender to enable the committee to compare the quality and effectiveness of the services provided by the incumbent auditor with those of other audit firms; and in respect of such tender oversee the selection process and ensure that all tendering firms have such access as is necessary to information and individuals during the duration of the tendering process.

6.5.3   Oversee the relationship with the external auditor including (but not limited to):

  • approval of their remuneration, whether fees for audit or non-audit services and that the level of fees is appropriate to enable an effective and high quality audit to be conducted;
  • approval of their terms of engagement, including any engagement letter issued at the start of each audit and the scope of the audit;
  • assessing annually their independence and objectivity taking into account relevant professional and regulatory requirements and the relationship with the auditor as a whole, including the provision of any non-audit services;
  • satisfying itself that there are no relationships (such as family, employment, investment, financial or business) between the auditor and the Association (other than in the ordinary course of business) which could adversely affect the auditor’s independence and objectivity;
  • monitoring the auditor’s compliance with relevant ethical and professional guidance on the rotation of audit partners, the level of fees paid by the Association compared to the overall fee income of the firm, office and partner and other related requirements;
  • assessing annually their qualifications, expertise and resources and the effectiveness of the audit process which shall include a report from the external auditor on their own internal quality procedures; and
  • Evaluating the risks to the quality and effectiveness of the financial reporting process and consideration of the need to include the risk of the withdrawal of their auditor from the market in that evaluation.

6.5.4 Meet regularly with the external auditor, including once at the planning stage before the audit and once after the audit at the reporting stage. The Committee shall meet the external auditor at least once a year, without management being present, to discuss their remit and any issues arising from the audit;

6.5.5 Review and approve the annual audit plan and ensure that it is consistent with the scope of the audit engagement;

6.5.6   Review the findings of the audit with the external auditor. This shall include but not be limited to, the following;

  • a discussion of any major issues which arose during the audit,
  • any accounting and audit judgments, and
  • Levels of errors identified during the audit.

6.5.7     The Committee shall also review the effectiveness of the audit.

6.5.8   Review any representation letter(s) requested by the external auditor before they are signed by management;

6.5.9 Review the management letter and management’s response to the auditor’s findings and recommendations;

6.5.10 Develop and implement a policy on the supply of non-audit services by the external auditor, taking into account any relevant ethical guidance on the matter; and

6.5.11 Develop and recommend to the Board the Company’s policy in relation to the provision of non-audit services by the auditor with the objective of ensuring that the provision of such services does not impair the external auditor’s independence or objectivity.

6.6 Reporting Responsibilities

6.6.1 The Committee Chairman shall report formally to the Board on its proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and responsibilities.

6.6.2 The Committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed.

6.6.3 The Committee shall compile a report to members on its activities to be included in the Association’s Annual Report a statement that the Committee considered the annual report and accounts, taken as whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provided the information necessary for members to assess the Associations performance, business model and strategy; and an explanation to the members of how, if the auditor provides non-audit services, auditor objectivity and independence is safeguarded.

7.Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self-review of its objectives and responsibilities.
  2. The committee shall also be subject to a review by the AWAK Board on an annual basis

8.Reporting Procedures

  1. The Chairman shall report the Committee’s deliberations to the AWAK Board.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members after each meeting.
  3. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the AWAK Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results.

9.Cessation of Membership

One’s membership to the committee shall cease by:

      1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
      2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
      3. Member is not in good standing

 Review of TOR

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.


The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute a member services committee with the

following Terms of Reference.

 Objective: To assist the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities to our members and other stakeholders.


  1. The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a chairman from among the Board Members.
  2. The Committee members shall appoint a Vice Chairman & secretary from its members who will take responsibility of the deliberations & decisions reached at each meeting.
  3. Membership will be drawn from AWAK members other than the Board

2.Secretarial and Meetings

  1. The secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the members of the Committee.
  2. Meetings shall be held at least once before every Board Meeting­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. AWAK secretariat may attend the committee meetings however only members of the Committee shall have a right to vote.
  5. Notice of meetings together with the agenda be sent at least two weeks to the date of the meeting
  6. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the members within one week after the meeting


The functions of the Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  1. To develop membership recruitment drives and retention of existing members
  2. To seek partnership with both private and public sector that will provide sustainable growth
  3. To develop memberships building programs
  4. Reengineering value proposition for members
  5. To develop strategies to support brand growth
  6. Development and overseeing membership satisfaction surveys

4.Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self -review of its objectives and responsibilities.
  2. The committee shall also be subject to a review by the AWAK Board on an annual basis

5.Reporting Procedures

  1. After each Committee meeting the Chairman shall report the Committee’s deliberations to the AWAK Board.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members,
  3. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the AWAK Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results.

6.Cessation of Membership

Membership to the Committee shall cease to exist by;

  1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
  2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
  3. Member is not in good standing

 Review of TOR

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.


The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute a Training Committee with the following Terms of Reference.

 Objective: To assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the training and capacity building of our members and other stakeholders.


  1. The Board shall, by resolution, appoint members of the committee. The Board shall appoint a chairman from among the members of the committee.
  2. The committee members shall appoint a vice chairman when it convenes the first meeting to assist the chairman
  3. The secretary to the committee will be drawn from the secretariat with responsibility for documenting the deliberations & decisions reached at each meeting.
  4. Each committee member will be both independent and financially literate.

4.Secretarial and Meetings

  1. Reasonable notice of meetings and an agenda of the business to be conducted shall be circulated to the members of the committee by the secretary
  2. The secretary of the Committee shall be a member of the secretariat.
  3. Meetings shall be held not less than five times a year.
  4. Any member of the committee may request a meeting at any time if they consider it necessary.
  5. One third of members present shall constitute a quorum.
  6. Committee members shall be entitled to attend meetings of the committee provided.
  7. Minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the Committee shall be kept properly and preserved.


The functions of the Committee shall include but not limited to the following:

  1. The committee will determine the training needs of the members through a survey and needs assessment on annual basis covering the public sector, private sector and a blend of both above. Members’ needs shall be profiled where possible and gaps identified.
  2. Meeting with the stakeholders to validate the training recommendations, the proposed training calendar and event planning for the coming year.
  3. Content of the training schedule will be referred to the Board for approval on an annual basis , taking care to keep training cost affordable to members;
  4. Training programmes will cover among others;
  • Training of Trainers (TOT)
  • Corporate Governance training curated by AWAK
  • Develop a large pool of Mentors and Coaches within the membership
  • Awareness of Public Procurement requirements,
  • Continuous leadership training and mentoring opportunities for members
  • The complete cycle of Public Finance Management.


  1. The committee is authorised by the Board to train within its terms of reference.
  2. The committee is authorised by the board to obtain, at the expense of the AWAK independent professional advice and to arrange for the attendance at meetings of outside parties with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary for the training.

7.Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self-review of its objectives and responsibilities.

8.Reporting Procedures

  1. The Committee shall maintain direct lines of communication with the Board, and the Secretariat exclusively to the task of training and capacity building.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members,
  3. The achievements of the Committee shall be presented at the Board meeting when appropriate and prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  4. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results and findings.

9.Cessation of Membership

Membership to the Committee shall cease to exist by;

  1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
  2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
  3. Member is not in good standing


  1. The Committee may deal with any other matter referred to it by the Board.

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.


Objectives of the Committee:

  1.   Assist the Board in the formulation and implementation of the Grants and Fundraising Strategies and Initiatives.
  2.  Composition: 
    1. The Board Shall, by resolution appoint a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Committee from the Board,
    2. Committee members shall be drawn from the AWAK general membership,
    3. The members of the committee shall be both independent and financially literate.


  1. AWAK Members are eligible to be committee members,
  2. Meetings and Procedure: Reasonable notice of meetings and agenda of the business to be conducted shall be circulated to the members of the committee by the secretary,
  3. The secretary of the committee shall be a member of the secretariat and by extension, the program coordinator,
  4. A schedule of meetings shall be prepared and agreed upon by members, but the chairperson shall have power to convene any other meeting as and when need arises,
  5. One third of members present shall constitute a quorum,
  6. All committee members shall be expected to attend and participate in meetings,
  7. The minutes and proceedings of all committee meetings shall be circulated to members within 7 days after the meeting
  8. The minutes of all committee meetings and proceedings shall be well maintained and preserved.


The responsibilities of the committee shall include but not limited to the following:

  1. Determine the AWAK financial needs/gaps with the aim of sourcing for funds in terms of grants or fundraising,
  2. Establish the institutions to partner with, with the aim of getting financial or support in kind,
  3. Establish and create relationships with sponsors for the Trainings and Social Responsibilities,
  4. Discussing and approval of Proposals by management before they are sent out,
  5. Chosen members (2) to represent the committee in meetings between AWAK and Finance partners and sponsors,
  6. Provide reports following meetings with finance partners and sponsors,
  7. The secretariat maintains and grows the list of partners and their contacts for purposes of future engagement,
  8. Assist the secretariate in the identification of partners and donors,
  9. Report to the board the status of grants and fundraising activities.

Reporting procedures

  1. Review all the Associations communication with partners and donors,
  2. Maintain direct lines of communications with the board and secretariat, exclusively on matters related to grants and fundraising,
  3. Reports of the committee shall be presented to the board as appropriate, 
  4. The chairperson shall present an annual report to the board summarizing the committee activities for the year and any significant results and findings.

Decision making 

Unless otherwise provided by the law, decisions of the committee on any matter shall be by consensus. Where unanimous decision cannot be reached, a decision shall be by a majority of votes of members present, physically or virtually. In case of a tie in votes, the chairperson or the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by secret ballot or by a show of hands as the committee shall prefer.

Every committee member shall take necessary measures to ensure independence, objectivity and impartiality in judgement, actions and soundness on all decisions. Every committee member shall make reasonable effort to understand the operations of AWAK and attend all committee meetings and AWAK functions as and when called upon. 

Cessation of Membership

Membership to the committee shall cease by:

Resignation by giving the committee one month’s notice and handing over any activities the member was involved in,

Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairperson. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing in the committee remotely,

Member not being in good standing.

Review the Committee Responsibilities and Performance

The committee shall at least once a year review its own performance, constitution and the terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it may consider to the Board for approval.

Periodic Review

These terms of reference shall be reviewed by the Board from time to time.

What We Offer

Professional Development

We provide training, workshops, and certification programs to keep our members ahead in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

Networking & Mentorship

AWAK connects women professionals with industry leaders, fostering mentorship and career growth opportunities.

Advocacy & Gender Inclusion

We champion gender equality in the accounting profession, advocating for policies that support women’s career advancement.

Scholarships & Career Support

Through scholarships and career placement programs, we empower the next generation of female finance professionals.